Nano Week 2 & 3: Update
Nano: When even your coffee is telling you to wake up |
{Somehow this didn't post properly a week ago when it was supposed to. So here it is, a bit late}
Well, I seem unable to do better than staying less than several thousand words behind. In fact, I think that I'm doing worse in keep up since last week (looks up Nano chart. Yup. 11,00 words behind, now*cries*).
I kind of wasted a perfect weekend to catch up by burning myself out by being too ambitious on my first day off and giving myself MAJOR burnout for the rest of the weekend, so that was smart.
And I was doing so well!
And also this was supposed to be a week 2 update and now it's a week 2 AND 3 update. So not only am I failing at nano, but also everything else. {UPDATE: I also failed to post this properly in November, so there's that, too.}
Okay, despair over. Let's do a little review of my last two weeks and what happened.
Nano week 2
I continued to keep up with my daily wordcounts, and even started to catch up! I had the weekend to write, so I naturally cleaned as much as I possibly could, first. I kicked off my writing that weekend by getting 3000 words in one day, which I'm pretty sure is my best writing day in the history of ever! But that was a mixed blessing, because that meant that I pretty much burned myself out, and had no words for the rest of the weekend. Soooo not so great.
Nano week 3:
So now I'm majorly behind. I did hit the halfway wordcount sometime in this week, so that's awesome! Some days I did great, some I only did about 320 words, so mixed bag.
I also hit some planning milestones. I'm a total pantser, writing with little to no planning, but I had some events happen in my novel that helped me have a coherent plot, so when I rewrite and edit hopefully it won't be a huge jumbled mess of weirdness. Hopefully. Fingers crossed!
My weekend was also jam packed, which meant instead of doing some catch up and trying to get big wordcounts in and planning done (the plot happenings made me want to plan my next moves to help stay on these exciting trails), I was instead driving all over everywhere and being generally busy (One such event was a MAJOR booksale at my library, where it was only $5 to fill up a huge bag, do you blame me for going twice?).
I've also realized that I haven't been reading much, AND I fell behind on my Goodreads reading challenge, so that required my immediate attention, and ate up my evenings, and hopefully helped recharged my ability to word, since that has been lacking this past week.
I'm currently about 11,000 words behind, but I'm hoping to do some major sprints over this holiday weekend, and catch up. Hopefully I don't do a repeat of the weekend I burned myself out! I'm hoping to catch up and win Nano, but if not, hey, I've gotten in over 25,000 words I wouldn't have gotten in, anyways.
(I'm doing Nano! You can catch my first week update here)
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