NaNoWriMo Week 1: Wrap-Up

(Picture taken at a local coffee shop. Because one does not simply write at a coffee shop without instagraming it)

I'm attempting to do Nanowrimo this year. Here's my first weeks' wrap up, and oh boy, let me tell you, this week has been an adventure to say the least.

I'm behind by several thousand words, and I was doing so well at the start of the week :(

Ah well, I suppose that getting your wisdom teeth out will do that to ya.
 I signed up for Nano knowing full well that I was getting surgery 3 days in. But I figured that I couldn't let a silly little thing like getting four teeth yanked out of my mouth stop my creative process, so here we are.

Day 1:  It was Wednesday, which is good news for my writerly prospects; because that is the morning that I drop my brother off at school, and then have 2 hours to bum around the city while I wait for him to get out of class so that I can pick him up.

I usually go to a nearby coffee shop and read, but this week I brought my laptop and got 1000 words in before I finished my coffee (and felt the employees eyeing me suspiciously, and decided that waiting in my car wasn't so bad, after all), and switched to a book.

Then, after work, I cam home and extracted another 1000 words (yay!) before calling it a night, making my total for day a 2000 words. I was ahead!

Day 2: I got 1600 words in, just under the minimum for the day, but since I was ahead from yesterday, Nano didn't yell at me. I went over to a friends house for the evening after work and we accomplished some very productive word sprints. Kudos to her because she was sick, and still let me come over to drink tea and write.

Day 3: Surgery Day Of Doom. This is where my carefully constructed week fell apart. You see, instead of being productive and writing, I got my wisdom teeth out. I was hoping that since I had some time Wednesday and Thursday that I would get ahead, but I ended up having more errands and to-dos on my 'Before Surgery' list than expected.
So that didn't happen. Pooh.
 But, also not a total loss, since my procedure wasn't until the afternoon: meaning that I had time for some more to-dos, and also get approx. 600 words in before it was time to undergo the knife (or scalpel. I'm not sure what the doctor used since I was under anesthesia. He could have used needle-nosed pliers and I don't think I would have been any the wiser).

Day 4: I spent the day watching Netflix and having painkiller induced naps, so writing didn't happen. I kind of felt that I should write and that my being high off of pain meds would be an asset, but I couldn't stay awake/focused long enough to actually get up and fetch my laptop, so never mind. I also grew a GIANT pair of chipmunk cheeks, so... yeah. My family kept asking if I had anything in my mouth (expecting me to have a giant wad of cotton up in there, I'm sure), but no. Just my poor, swollen cheeks.

Day 5: Spent pretty much the same way as day 4, sleeping and Netflixing the day away, but I did manage to open my laptop and squeeze out 1200 words towards the evening. Not up to the daily requirement, but 1200 words is nothing to sneeze at! (that's what I'm telling myself, anyways.)

Day 6: Went back to work. I was going to write in the morning, but I actually spent it washing my hair, packing post-surgery friendly food for work, and generally finding my way to feeling like a normal human again. I did leave work early and came home to write.
I have managed about 1000ish words already AND this blog post.
So yay for normal-human-again me! It's the little things, sometimes. I'll also most likely add more to my wordcount later, because I put my sheets in the wash earlier and I'm still waiting for them to dry.

So I finish week 1 with roughly 7000 words (meaning that I'm ONLY 3000ish words behind), and let me tell ya, I don't think that it's shabby at all. Not up to Nano goals, but I tried. And survived wisdom teeth loss, so no matter what I'm the real winner here.

                                          ~Not too shabby, if I do say so myself, not too shabby~


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