The Bibliophile Sweater Tag!
Tag started by Mary . This is her image. I saw this on Christine's blog, and decided to do it, because it looked fun! ...even though I wasn't officially tagged (but I feel like half of tag posts are people who haven't been formally tagged. So...). I wanted to do this because I love sweaters. Since I live in a very rainy part of the world, sweaters are a must 9+ months of the year :) The tag was originally in October, which is most fitting, but it's still prime sweater weather here, people pull out their brightest coloured sweaters to drive the January/February blues away. (And also even for those 3 months in the summer when it's warm enough to not need sweaters, people still take them everywhere. Just in case. Old habits die hard) Fuzzy sweater (a book that is the epitome of comfort) Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (or anything by her, to be honest). I can devour it in a day, and it's just such a cozy read. I...