Books With Histories: Hunchback Of Notre Dame
(I'm telling the histories of some of the old, used books on my shelves. Read the series introduction here ) I got this when I worked at a used bookstore. We had people donate boxes of used books, and if we couldn't/didn't want to sell them we would put them on the clearance shelf. And the great thing about the clearance shelf was the rule where employees could take home the clearance books for free. It was great for me, because there was often used copies of classics I wanted to read that weren't in bad condition, they were just older editions that weren't very lucrative. Such the case with The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I've seen the Disney movie, but I heard the book was different, and wanted to see for myself, and this cover isn't horrendous, so I took it home. Usually classic book covers are hideous, but I actually like how this one was put together. Except, when I brought it home, I realized that it actually REEKED of cigarett...