
Showing posts from November, 2017

NaNoWriMo Week 1: Wrap-Up

(Picture taken at a local coffee shop. Because one does not simply write at a coffee shop without instagraming it) I'm attempting to do Nanowrimo this year. Here's my first weeks' wrap up, and oh boy, let me tell you, this week has been an adventure to say the least. I'm behind by several thousand words, and I was doing so well at the start of the week :( Ah well, I suppose that getting your wisdom teeth out will do that to ya. Yep.  I signed up for Nano knowing full well that I was getting surgery 3 days in. But I figured that I couldn't let a silly little thing like getting four teeth yanked out of my mouth stop my creative process, so here we are. Day 1:  It was Wednesday, which is good news for my writerly prospects; because that is the morning that I drop my brother off at school, and then have 2 hours to bum around the city while I wait for him to get out of class so that I can pick him up. I usually go to a nearby coffee shop and read, but t...