2017 Wrap Up: Non-fiction & Series

I'm combining these into one blog post, because it's already February {Edit: Now it's March? when did this happen?} and I think that these 2017 year-in-review posts are dragging on. So here's a quick wrap up of my favourite nonfiction and series from 2017. If I was a put together person I would have finished these way back in January, but clearly I'm not on it, so here we are. In March. Still reviewing 2017 books. But in my defense I found out that I've apparently been battling the flu for a month or so. So motivation for blogging and life in general has been at 0%. So here's a quick last 2017 Wrap Up post, and then we're back to our normal schedule (of sporadic posts/no posts at all. Depending on how fast I can kick the last vestiges of the flu out of my system). First up is my favourite non-fiction reads of the year: Nonfiction: Sacred Mundane by Kari Patterson This book is a celebration of the mundane. Sometimes, when...